Infectiology of farm, model and wild animals facility - PFIE



Meeting your experimental needs on small and large animals under high safety containment

Unique facilities and know-how...

The infectiology platform (PFIE) provides the whole international scientific community, both public and private, with high containment facilities for studying infectious diseases.

The PFIE conducts in vivo studies on a wide range of farm, wild and laboratory animal species. It enables experiments on numerous biological agents, including MOTs* and GMOs** to be conducted under BSL2 or BSL3 containment. The PFIE also develops new models and designs original experimental systems for veterinary and biomedical research.  

... for targeted research...

The PFIE contributes to enhancing knowledge of infectious and parasitic diseases of farm animals and humans including zoonoses. It is involved in studying physiopathology and in developing tools for diagnosis and prevention.

... at an international level

The PFIE was part of the European network of containment facilities (Nadir, 2009-2013) and part of the international network VetBioNet (2017-2023). The PFIE is now part of ISIDORe-project.
The PFIE was also a member of ICSA – the Carnot Institute for Animal Health – and now a member of ICSA FFE - the Carnot Institute France Futur Elevage.

* MOT : microorganisms and toxins (article L. 5139-1 du code de la santé publique)
** OGM : genetically modified organisms


10 April 2024


XXVI es Journées Francophone de Virologie

The Journées Francophones de Virologie, the annual meeting of the Société Française de Virologie (SFV), will move to Brussels in 2024. The themes covered offer a global vision of advances in the field of medical, veterinary and plant virology, whether at the molecular, cellular or whole-organism level.